Can You Use Trick Room Again Before It Expires

A Beginner's Guide to Fox Room


To begin, Trick Room is a Psychic-blazon move that affects all Pokémon on the field. For five turns (the first of which is spent on the aforementioned turn Trick Room is used, effectively making Trick Room's duration 4 turns), slower Pokémon move before faster Pokémon. This, forth with the fast-paced nature of the doubles format, has given rise to teams centered effectually this move.

And then why use Trick Room? The answer is more complex than ane would think. If you know anything about Doubles (and y'all should because I'thousand writing this under the assumption that you do), yous know that speed control is an incredibly important cistron and that the main forms of speed control are Thunder Moving ridge, Tailwind, and Icy Air current, all of which are rendered useless and/or detrimental past Play a trick on Room. Fifty-fifty if you didn't know that, the proposition of using a Snorlax with an virtually unmatched Speed stat along with phenomenal majority and Attack should be incentive plenty to use Play a joke on Room. The combination of bulk, power, and virtual immunity to speed control makes Trick Room a dominant force in the metagame and can mean faster, more unprepared teams volition basically automatically lose confronting them.

As for me, I've been using Trick Room in some shape or form since VGC 2009, and have fabricated summit cut in two official events with teams featuring the movement, and at least got upwards of 16th place (pocket-size acme cuts are the bane of vi-2-ers' being) in other events where I used Trick Room. I've seen teams on the Smogon Doubles ladder and on GBU that feature Trick Room, but I can't assistance but feel that the majority of those teams aren't tapping Trick Room's full potential. Hopefully this guide will help you, an aspiring Trick Room enthusiast, to build stronger and more able Fob Room teams. I would like to annotation however, that this guide will slant toward Smogon's Doubles metagame since I'm writing this for the Smog and I'll be focusing on full Flim-flam Room teams, only hopefully this guide will be of utilise to my fellow VGC players equally well.

The Mindset

Like whatever team with a core strategy, you should have a goal in mind for your Trick Room team. Obviously, an important goal for Trick Room teams is to successfully prepare up Play a joke on Room once or twice inside a match, but to say that should be your only goal would be, to put information technology bluntly, stupid. Unfortunately this is something that some people tend to exercise, but I'll discuss this in further item and requite a few tips on how to avert this later on. The second goal of Fox Room should be to accept advantage of the reversed turn order. Remember that moving showtime doesn't actually matter when you lot can't do anything while you're at that place. How these goals are executed may vary from team to squad, simply these are the master lessons to be learned here.

And now to clear upwards any misconceptions you might have about Trick Room teams. The commencement is that when your opponent sees a lot of tiresome Pokémon and a potential Fob Room user (such as Jellicent or Cresselia) on Team Preview, they can and volition lead with their Flim-flam Room counters, if whatsoever. This means that if yous remember yous're merely going to waltz into every single game you play and flawlessly set up Fox Room, you've got another thing coming. No affair how well-built your squad is, chances are that someone on the ladder will eventually have something that completely screws up your setup, specially when one of your main goals is evidently obvious to a trained eye.

The 2d is that you're going to forgo a fast mode that y'all might exist used to if you lot've e'er used Drizzle or Sand Stream based teams. This one'due south sort of obvious, merely let'due south examine what "fast mode" means. A fast mode is, past my personal definition, a Pokémon combo that can single-handedly boss lower-end teams and immediately force per unit area higher-cease ones. Against lower-end teams, a fast mode minimizes the amount of hax involved because Pokémon are dropping left and right, making it a dandy, consistent laddering tool. Against higher-end players, you pressure their setup with a lead of an immediately fast and powerful duo of Pokémon such as ZapChomp or Double-Genie. That all sounds well and skillful (in fact, I might've described one of your teams), simply the point is that with Play tricks Room, you lot will non have the comfort of a fast mode. This basically means that your team will exist somewhat susceptible to hax (and therefore less consequent for laddering), and that your team will not be applying firsthand pressure. You lot'll nonetheless win against the average Joe of course, but don't get too mad when you get a double freeze or your Play tricks Room user hits itself in confusion.

The third isn't so much a misconception but a point I would similar to make regardless: fourth dimension is not on your side. As previously mentioned, you take iv turns to work with once Trick Room goes up, and this is bold your opponent doesn't spam Protect. I promise this is obvious by at present, only in instance it isn't, you had better accept a plan of what to do once you get Fob Room upwards. This is part of the reason why Trick Room can be inconsistent at times: you're probably going to forgo safer options similar Flamethrower in favor of firsthand power from Burn down Blast considering safe options commonly "only" net 2HKOes, which isn't very effective due to your time constraints. Unremarkably, I'm the kind of guy that will choose Flamethrower, just when you've got a lot to do and footling fourth dimension to exercise it, you have to go big or go home.

Trick Room Users

Hopefully I didn't scare people off with that concluding section, because at present nosotros get downward to the fun part: the Fox Room users. These Pokémon are the lifeblood of your team, and you would do well to go to know their strengths and weaknesses. Offset thing yous should know is that in that location are ii types of Fob Room users; offensive Trick Room and defensive Play a trick on Room. For simplicity's sake, I'll group them in 2 different mini-sections, merely know that some Pokémon tin can take on different roles, such as beefy Chandelure and offensive Jellicent.

Offensive Trick Room

Central qualities of offensive Fox Room users are 1. the ability to apply Trick Room, two. high base attacking stats and/or access to useful STAB moves that often exceed 100 Base Power, and 3. a (relatively) brusque life-span. Don't let the last point deter y'all though, as offensive Fox Room users are incredibly useful to conserve squad slots for other functions.

I'll start off this listing past admitting that although Chandelure and Gallade are ii of my favorite Pokémon, I tin can be completely serious when I say that they are perhaps the virtually capable offensive Pull a fast one on Room users because of their useful STABs and/or access to neat tools like Feint and Imprison. These two should exist used at the start of the match to gear up upwardly Trick Room and deal massive harm to the opponent while offing themselves early to continue the ball rolling with a fresh Trick Room user or another sweeper. These two should concur Focus Sashes to offset their weaknesses to spread moves such as Convulsion and fix Pull a fast one on Room up more than consistently, though Gallade does have plenty Special Defense to take Muddy Water and Blizzard relatively well. You really need to sentry out for Tyranitar and Abomasnow since these Pokémon agree Focus Sashes though, as opponents tin simply Protect to break Focus Sashes or nab an easy KO with their passive weather damage. Additionally, while Gallade's Close Gainsay is stronger than that of near Terrakion, its Fighting-type and coverage tin can bear witness redundant with a fair few Fake Out users that I'll introduce afterwards. Overall, though, Gallade and Chandelure are the image of efficient Play tricks Room. You shouldn't expect them to gear up Trick Room more than than once and it would exist a mistake to play them conservatively unless y'all demand them to KO a Ferrothorn or a similar Pokémon later on.

Reuniclus and Slowking are more than undecayed than the last two, and they more closely resemble the definition of a defensive Trick Room Pokémon. Both sport base 30 Speed, tying with Amoonguss, and have a few useful moves they can safely spam to corruption their ain Trick Room. My personal problems with these two are the fact that Reuniclus has basically only Focus Blast to rely on for coverage (I'thou all for power over accuracy but seventy% isn't worth it regardless) and that Slowking has problem dealing the huge amounts of damage I'm used to with Gallade and Chandelure since its STAB moves don't exceed xc Base of operations Power. Having said that, nonetheless, their access to instant recovery, decent bulk, and consistent methods of dealing damage add up to reliable Fob Room leads that aren't dead weight when their partner goes down.

These two are rather odd choices, but they fit the definition of offensive Play tricks Room very well. Mesprit has great coverage with Thunderbolt, Blizzard, Grass Knot, and Ice Beam to compliment its respectable base 105 Special Attack, and has Levitate to aid your team'due south synergy should you be using an Earthquake user, not to mention its bully fourscore / 105 / 105 defenses and an skilful typing. Victini is frailer given its typing and weakness to Convulsion and Stone Slide, simply this is mostly offset by V-create, a move that, like Hammer Arm, effectively grants Victini a Speed heave—though I will say that you shouldn't rely too heavily on it to outspeed some threats like Tyranitar. Both Victini and Mesprit tin swap roles by using their all-encompassing concrete and special movepools, which only adds to their versatility. Really, the only downside to using these two is that Mesprit doesn't have a nuke like Victini does and Victini tin can be a tad too fast and delicate (at to the lowest degree, without a Focus Sash) for my liking at times.

Defensive Trick Room

Defensive Trick Room users are depended on to set up Flim-flam Room more than in one case, but unlike offensive Play tricks Room users, they probably don't have many options to bargain harm with, and instead focus solely on back up. With the exception of Jellicent and Slowbro (who are on this list for reasons I'll get to later), don't wait them to OHKO anything of import, simply rely on them for fill-in and/or consistent Flim-flam Room setup.

These two are the bulkiest Trick Room Pokémon you'll see in Doubles. Actually though, Cresselia is the bigger threat here, but I'm including Dusclops for completion's sake and to illustrate how hands both Pokémon are shut downwardly by Taunt. I see many people run Night Shade on their Dusclops to avoid existence total Taunt bait, only that isn't a skillful idea seeing as Dusclops is already full Taunt allurement. Cresselia runs Psyshock because it tin can actually 2HKO Fighting-types (and sometimes Water ice Beam for Dragon coverage, which is more than effective than you'd recollect), and being able to exercise something while Taunted is a plus. Both of these Pokémon oftentimes apply Helping Paw to maintain offensive force per unit area through their partners or defensive moves like Low-cal Screen and Will-O-Wisp to increase their chances of setting upwardly Fob Room again or simply allow their partners to survive select hits. When using both of these Pokémon, just be aware that they're going to be the starting time thing someone Taunts, regardless of what team they're on, and adjust your back up Pokémon accordingly.

Levitating Trick Room support is very useful when y'all're planning on using Pokémon such as Rhyperior and Marowak to spam powerful Earthquakes, peculiarly when many Flying-types hover around base 100-120 Speed, which tin can be a little fast for Trick Room. Levitate besides bolsters their defensive capabilities since they can't be hands double targeted through Follow Me via Convulsion and another spread move, which is minor, but a bespeak in their favor regardless. Misdreavus is probably the one you're skeptical about, so I'll give it to yous straight: Misdreavus is the just Levitating Ghost-type beneath base 100 Speed that learns Trick Room, and has roughly the same bulk as Cresselia. Its Ghost typing also means that it is immune to Fake Out, which is a definite plus, merely lack of reliable recovery due to the mandatory Eviolite does hurt information technology defensively, especially when information technology's weak to Tyranitar.

Useful niche abilities are enough to consider a Pokémon (simply await at Misdreavus), especially if their stats are perfect for Play a trick on Room purposes. Musharna is your typical bulky Psychic with lots of supportive moves and neat ability in Telepathy. While Telepathy's usefulness is adequately obvious to combo with Surf and Earthquake (the 'and' is the principal selling point, in fact) even after Gravity, Gothitelle tin be rather situational. While Shadow Tag isn't by any means bad, information technology isn't every bit good as one would promise since many people will send out their anti-Gothitelle Pokémon when they come across information technology in Squad Preview should y'all lead with it. Therefore, it's probably all-time to environment Gothitelle with offensive Pokémon to take advantage of trapped Pokémon, and load Gothitelle upward with supportive moves such equally Light Screen to brand your own switches safer.

This terminal grouping of bulky Trick Room setters could've fit in with the offensive Trick Room crowd, but honestly when I consider them, it's generally for their defensive qualities. Slowbro'due south higher Defense makes information technology slightly better at dealing with Tyranitar than its imperial brother Slowking, simply otherwise information technology's the aforementioned, and I'm listing it hither largely because I know people will ask well-nigh it if I don't. Jellicent on the other hand is 1 of a kind; information technology can gear up up Flim-flam Room, is immune to Simulated Out, and can wall Politoed + Kingdra combinations with Recover. In fact, I'd say Jellicent is the merely Pokémon with an instant recovery move non named Residual that's really good and that I would highly recommend using in Doubles, and I say that in full knowledge of Gastrodon's being. Recover goes so well with its typing, Cursed Body (Water Absorb isn't very useful since information technology already resists Water moves, and I can't adept conscience condone Surf spam,) and of grade Water Spout. Water Spout is the chief reason I would even consider listing it with the likes of Chandelure, as it is a powerful STAB 112 Base Ability move that hits both opponents, which will even so hurt fifty-fifty though Jellicent has but a base 85 Special Attack. Even if you don't invest fully in your Special Attack, nothing particularly enjoys a STAB 100+ Base Power motion, especially if you can get it backed by Drizzle. Overall though, you should use Jellicent (and Slowbro I suppose) for its defensive qualities and Recover, though Protect is even so a very viable option.

Honorable Mentions

I'yard calculation these in by and large because I take some addicted memories using them, but I probably wouldn't use them in a serious competition. They might have a place in (our hearts) a team that somehow requires their niche, and I would honey to see i of these Pokémon in a tiptop match in a serious tournament, aside from Exeggutor and Solrock, which take already washed so. I'm non telling you to steer articulate of these Pokémon or use them; just exist aware of their beingness.

Try and an outmatched Speed in Fox Room at level ane is a cute combination. Cuteness lone never won any battles though, especially when yous consider the fact that Whimsicott's Focus Sash is readily broken by sandstorm or hail impairment, or even double-targeting. Level ane Pull a fast one on Room Whimsicott can still exist very punishing for unprepared teams, but the trouble lies in the fact that most teams are in fact prepared, so Whimsicott is essentially relegated to trolling people that are lower on the ladder or that snotty kid you lot met on the bus that boasts about his level 255 Mewtwo.

Solrock is 1 of those Pokémon I would utilize in a heartbeat if it had better stats. STAB Stone Edge to take care of Thundurus and Zen Headbutt for Amoonguss and Hitmontop are very highly-seasoned, non to mention its access to Sunny Day and Helping Paw. It's a shame it's stuck with its mediocre 70 / 85 / 65 defenses; it's really a cool Pokémon otherwise.

Porygon2 seems like a pretty cool dishonest. Information technology'southward got an Eviolite defensive heave, the BoltBeam combination to deal harm with, and of form Trick Room. The reason why it'southward never used, however, is because Fighting-types and Fighting-type moves are common due to their cracking coverage and high Base of operations Power, which undermines its defenses and makes it outclassed by just almost every Psychic-blazon Flim-flam Room user defensively. As well, the fact that information technology has no useful STAB moves over 100 Base of operations Ability undermines its useable base of operations 105 Special Attack. In essence, Porygon2 would be a expert Pokémon if Cresselia and Musharna didn't exist. Peradventure it'll have meliorate luck in Gen vi when/if Doubles UU is established.

You might remember Exeggutor from Wolfe Glick's Worlds '12 team. Yous may also think, however, that his Exeggutor did non accept Trick Room. While Power Bandy may be rather clunky when yous're trying to corruption twisted dimensions, Exeggutor is capable of OHKOing 252/0 Tyranitar in the sand with a boosted Leaf Storm thanks to its corking base of operations 125 Special Attack, which isn't something many Pokémon can avowal. Harvest combined with Sitrus Berry too makes it incredibly difficult to take down without STAB super effective moves, especially in the sunlight, though information technology isn't required if you're using Protect. With a whole slew of great moves to choose from, consistent recovery cheers to Harvest, and an attractive Special Set on stat, non to mention its impressive resume, Exeggutor would certainly be a Pokémon worth having on all of your Trick Room teams, right? Well, the main reason it's not used (or at least the reason I don't use it) is because of its poor Special Defense force and only decent physical Defense, forth with a long list of common weaknesses, most notably Bug (Scizor), Flying (Tornadus and Thundurus), and Dark (Tyranitar). Offensively, outside of weather teams, Grass isn't all that impressive as a main STAB motility as it's easily resisted by common Follow Me users such every bit Jirachi and Amoonguss. Information technology nevertheless has potential, but it certainly doesn't belong on most teams.

Trick Room Support

If Trick Room users are the lifeblood of Trick Room teams, then their supporters are like white claret cells. Similar the divide betwixt defensive and offensive Trick Room users, these supporters are typically i of the 2, with Follow Me being more than defensive and Fake Out being more offensive. If information technology isn't clear past now, you should have at the very least i of the Pokémon listed here on your squad if y'all want to win with Play tricks Room, no questions asked. I know what you're thinking though; you want to be a cool guy and simply utilise underused, under-the-radar kind of Pokémon and your first reaction volition be to disregard this advice because I said you have to practise it. Never fearfulness, Poké-hipsters, as many of these Pokémon are pretty cloak-and-dagger to begin with (at least by singles standards), y'all should have no problems winning in style.

False Out

Fake Out is a Normal-blazon motility that, if used on the get-go turn, has +3 priority (the same as Follow Me; remember this because it's important), and has a guaranteed flinch. The goal of many of these False Out users is to incapacitate a Pokémon long enough for Trick Room to go up, because even if they don't accept Taunt, they tin can gang up on the Trick Room user and not many Pokémon tin can take more than one super effective hit on the aforementioned turn. Fake Out users should accept something to do subsequently they've burnt their False Out turn, fifty-fifty if it's merely status spreading.

Hariyama has it made. It's the best Guts user in Doubles (Conkeldurr is better off with Iron Fist and Heracross with Moxie), has STAB Close Combat to maul everything, and has practiced coverage with Ice Punch and Stone Edge. Even with Toxic Orb eating away at its health, Hariyama is capable of surviving Tornadus's Acrobatics (afterward it consumes its Gem of grade) with health to spare for the first turn of poisonous substance, forth with several other common moves as long every bit Hariyama hasn't used Close Combat first, which is likely merely unavoidable when y'all're using such a powerful wrecking ball such every bit Hariyama. Really, I don't have anything bad to say nigh information technology other than the fact that Cresselia walls and mauls it with Psychic, and it's pretty ugly in my honest stance.

Now that I'thou cervix-deep in this commodity, I can't help but think that 1 of the reasons I like Trick Room so much is because many of my favorites are viable inside it. Regardless though, Hitmontop and Scrafty are two very similar Pokémon; they are both very good users of Fake Out and take Intimidate. Their similarities frequently spawn discussions on their differences, which goes to show that yous really can't get wrong with either of them. I'll make this curt for you though: Hitmontop is used for its Fighting Precious stone-additional Close Combat and access to useful tech moves such as Helping Hand, Feint, and Wide Guard, while Scrafty is used for its bulk, longevity thanks to Drain Dial, and STAB Crunch—with which it can deal with Cresselia with relative ease. Hitmontop is more popular because it synergizes much more than easily with more teams, simply in my honest stance (and not only because it'south one of my favorites), Scrafty is probably the better Trick Room Pokémon, even though I've harped on about how crucial it is for a Play a joke on Room Pokémon to have a STAB move over 100 Base Ability. STAB Crunch is very useful to deal with the Cresselia that frequently threaten your Pull a fast one on Room, and its longevity helps ensure more than one Trick Room setup. Really though, the selection depends on your team. If you're using ane, it won't injure to try the other for a while. Yous might be pleasantly surprised.

Kangaskhan is actually only used for its Scrappy Simulated Out, which isn't especially useful in my stance, simply Faux Out is still Fake Out. People often try to make Kangaskhan bulky with Drain Punch or waste product their time with Sucker Punch, merely really you should exist playing Kangaskhan for Helping Hand and Ice Punch. Double-Border is likewise a good motion because it has a good chance of KOing bulky Thundurus afterward a Fake Out. In any case, Kangaskhan should exist dealing damage or using Helping Hand or Fake Out at all times. When XY is released (you lot really can't avoid talking well-nigh it this close to launch, can yous?), Mega Kangaskhan will likely be a strength to reckon with, especially with the power to use two Rock Slides, provided its Mega Rock is available without an issue and there aren't besides many other Mega Simulated Out Pokémon.

Sableye and Ludicolo are mainly added as Faux Out users to check certain threats. Ludicolo is a very good pelting check, although information technology has a hard time against Thundurus. Sableye has its own bug with Thundurus, which will often Taunt Sableye before it Taunts back, finer shutting downwardly its chief options. Sableye gets bonus points for comboing with Chandelure and Guts Pokémon such as Hariyama due to Will-O-Wisp's ability to hit your partner Pokémon every bit well as your opponent'south, activating Chandelure's Flash Fire and Hariyama'southward Guts, bold it isn't already holding a Toxic Orb. Both of these Pokémon don't deal much damage (in 1 turn), then they're probably all-time used aslope offensive Trick Room setters.

Follow Me / Rage Pulverization

Follow Me is some other Normal-blazon move that redirects single-target moves to the user. With that description, I hope you've already figured out the applications of this in terms of Trick Room back up. Redirecting Taunt and moves that can OHKO your Trick Room user is extremely useful, but before you go slapping a Togekiss on your squad, consider type synergy, equally well equally factors I'll list with each Pokémon. Yous don't want to overlap types weaknesses, such as past using Togekiss and Jellicent together, as the opponent can but use a single super effective motility without much risk involved, and you don't want to get stuck with two defensive Pokémon on the field at a given moment with no manner to economically spend your four turns of Play a trick on Room. And, for hereafter reference, the move Rage Powder has the same issue as Follow Me, then don't let that confuse y'all when you're looking through these Pokémon'southward movepools.

Amoonguss has been the premier Trick Room support Pokémon for quite some time now. Its bulk and typing permit it to sponge Fighting- and Water-blazon moves, as well as many commonly used Psychic- and Ice-type moves. Even if yous do knock Amoonguss down to depression health, it can simply switch to regain wellness (which leaves its moveslots open), expect a few turns for Leftovers recovery via Protect, or instantly recover a quarter of its health with Sitrus Berry, which frequently allows Amoonguss to avoid 2HKOs. Spore, while not every bit useful as it is in VGC due to Sleep Clause, is still extremely useful nether Trick Room thank you to Amoonguss'due south base 30 Speed. The chief issues Amoonguss has is that information technology'due south weak to two of the most common Pokémon, Cresselia and Thundurus, just a lot of Pokémon have this problem as well. Overall, if you oasis't used Amoonguss, I suggest y'all practice as soon as possible, and if you lot're playing against it, make sure you can OHKO it or it volition near definitely give y'all a difficult fourth dimension.

Parasect and Tangrowth are oft overshadowed past their lilliputian brother Amoonguss. Both accept Rage Powder and a sleep-inducing move and are rather durable (in Parasect'southward example, this is because of constant Dry Peel recovery). What sets them apart, however, is their useful STAB moves, X-Scissor and Power Whip respectively, combined with their respectable Assault scores. With these, they can apply offensive pressure, unlike Amoonguss, as well every bit offer utility with Spore and Sleep Powder. The master problem with these ii is the fact that they are incredibly susceptible to beingness OHKOed past stiff super effective special moves, whereas Amoonguss can hands sponge both special and physical moves with minimal support (i.e., pelting and Intimidate) or easily forgo Sitrus for an Occa or Coba Berry. That doesn't hateful the two are useless; information technology just means Amoonguss is simply generally more useful.

Now for some bodily Follow Me users and not those wannabe Rage Pulverisation Pokémon. Togetic and Clefable were 2 of the first Pokémon to receive Follow Me (the other being Furret, which is excluded for obvious reasons), but you lot might recognize Togekiss'southward ability Serene Grace, which has acquired headaches everywhere information technology's allowed in conjunction with Air Slash. Besides existence bulky and relatively slow, these ii Pokémon have access to Helping Hand, which powers upward your partner'southward moves, and therefore helps brand your precious turns count. They tin can besides pick up a few offensive moves if you so desire; like many Normal-types, they have admission to a wide variety of moves such as Aureola Sphere, Fire Blast, Ice Axle, and the list goes on. Just be aware that Clefable only has base 85 Special Attack every bit opposed to Togekiss's 120.

Honorable Mentions

Again, these Pokémon aren't every bit generally useful, but accept shown potential at the top tables, and so it would be all-time to be enlightened of their existence in case you should require one of their specific niches.

Unfortunately, unlike my other favorites on this list (which, in case you're wondering, are Chandelure, Gallade, Scrafty, and Togekiss), I tin can't recommend Lucario and Riolu for every squad. They are, however, still viable. In fact, Riolu is bar none the nearly consistent Play tricks Room back up in the game thanks to Prankster boosting Follow Me to +4 priority, which is enough to overtake any Simulated Out in the game. If that's not absurd enough for you, only expect until Riolu evolves into Lucario; now it'due south able to OHKO beefy Thundurus with Stone Edge and Chople Berry Tyranitar with Close Combat, as well as redirect Nighttime-blazon moves for a Justified boost, or get off a guaranteed Follow Me thanks to Inner Focus—though it doesn't redirect False Out completely, which is unfortunate. As expected, the two have some crippling flaws: the former has absolutely no offensive pressure, is basically dead weight after Trick Room goes upward (though it can still spam Feint to help your offensive Flim-flam Room user), and faints very easily, while the latter simply can't be defensive enough to be of much utilise support-wise, is weak to Mach Punch and Earthquake, and tin be rather lacking offensively since it often but has two moveslots to dedicate to attacking as well as the fact that it has a paltry base 110 Set on with no real mode to boost it. However, an offensive Follow Me user is rare, with the only other notable Pokémon being the speedy Volcarona and the aforementioned Tangrowth and Parasect, while Riolu does get props for consistently getting Flim-flam Room up, along with having access to Sunny Solar day to help stop Drizzle-based teams. Having used the two myself, I can honestly say that while they have their moments, other Pokémon are generally better than them, mostly due to their lackluster stats. Hopefully Mega Lucario will be more viable in doubles, so I tin can finally make a serious squad with my best favorite.

Blastoise has some incredible moves: Fake Out, Follow Me, and Water Spout. Unfortunately for Blastoise, none of them are compatible with each other. While a Follow Me set could be feasible, Blastoise lacks key resistances to Fighting- and Electric-blazon moves to make apply of Follow Me at times. The fact that Fire- and Water ice-type moves are frequently used in the form of spread moves such as Blizzard and Heat Wave, which tin work effectually Follow Me, defeats the purpose of beingness resistant to the two types as well. Hydro Pump is viable for a False Out set up as Blastoise's main offensive movement with Ice Beam picking up the slack, but it's hard to settle for that when Water Spout is so enticingly close. Forget Mega Blastoise—what Blastoise actually needs is for Fake Out and Follow Me to exist compatible with each other. Otherwise, it's just plain outclassed.

Magmar and Magmortar don't seem similar very good candidates for Follow Me, but if Volcarona can pull off a Follow Me set, then why not Magmar? The trouble is, again, that Magmar and Magmortar don't have a Fighting resistance, though Magmar is only x2 weak to Rock Slide and has better defenses overall cheers to Eviolite. In fact, Magmar made its way to peak viii in Sejun Parks's World Championships squad using a more defensive set that utilized Will-O-Wisp and helped set up Trick Room for a (mostly) difficult Fob Room mode. Magmortar is frail by comparison, but can use STAB Rut Wave and Overheat much similar Volcarona, except Magmortar has Thunderbolt, Low Kick, and Mach Dial to keep itself from beingness a slower, less powerful version of it. Nevertheless, weaknesses to Earthquake and Water moves prevents the 2 from being premier Trick Room supporters, just if this year'due south VGC Earth Championships are any indicator, they're even so viable on the right teams.

This is the last of my favorites on this list, and you might be wondering how in the world Jirachi made its way down to an "honorable mentions" list alongside the likes of Magmar. It has base of operations 100 stats across the board, bully typing, Pull a fast one on Room AND Follow Me, and so what'due south not to similar about it? Well, base 100 across the board means that it likewise has base 100 Speed, which is the cutoff indicate at which I consider a Play tricks Room setter to be too fast (with the exception of Victini, though even that's a stretch). To illustrate this point, minimum Speed Jirachi hits 184 Speed, while Metagross and other uninvested base of operations 70s hit 176. This means Jirachi tin't outspeed anything below base 77 (Heatran, 190), which includes Tyranitar and Hitmontop, both of which could exist flinched to death with Iron Head otherwise. Having both Follow Me and Play a trick on Room might seem like a good idea, because I've mentioned how taking on multiple roles tin can be skilful for a team, but Play tricks Room and Trick Room support should generally exist kept separate, as your Trick Room user (especially bulky setters similar Jirachi) needs the support to exist kept healthy for some other potential setup. Obviously, if you continue redirecting Close Combats, Jirachi won't have enough steam left to set another Play a joke on Room later, and you might need to dedicate more back up to ensure that Jirachi at least stands a chance in that state of affairs. Jirachi is still an incredibly good Pokémon; it's just not as feasible in full Trick Room.

Trick Room Abusers

"Play a trick on Room abusers" seems weird to read, just the reason why the word "sweeper" isn't used is considering a single Pokémon rarely sweeps teams on its own. That said, information technology certainly doesn't aid to have a difficult-hitting Pokémon on your side to make those precious four turns count. I'll only listing a few Pokémon here because at that place are a myriad of Pokémon that tin fit this role and to give yous examples of traits you lot should look for in your sluggish steamrollers.

Bulky Beatsticks

This sort of Pokémon is the kind you might've wanted to use from the beginning; each are capable of taking one or two heavy hits courtesy of a favorable type, ability, or stat combination, and possess a spammable (though perhaps inaccurate), single-targeting, STAB 100+ Base of operations Power motility that receives a further heave from an item and/or an power. Escavalier and Conkeldurr are prime examples of this; both have respectable defenses and a STAB move they can easily throw around thanks to the abundance of common Pokémon to assault, such every bit Cresselia and Tyranitar, and besides OHKO Pokémon that are around the same full general expanse of majority equally 252/0 Politoed. All the same, this sort of Pokémon tin often be predictable every bit to what they're going to use and can hands be stalled with Protect and smart switching if you're not careful. Gallade, Victini, and Overheat Chandelure could count as this sort of Pokémon as well as a Trick Room setter, though none are every bit bulky every bit the examples I just listed.

The Double Troubles (name pending)

This grouping of Pokémon has powerful spread moves that aren't as powerful in terms of damaging a unmarried Pokémon, but result in more net damage and don't have to worry equally much almost which Pokémon will Protect on their main attacks. Some may fifty-fifty receive boosts from weather, such as Heatran's Eruption, which, with Fire Gem and a Sunny 24-hour interval heave, OHKOes 252/0 Mew, Hitmontop, beefy Thundurus, and even max Special Defense Occa Berry Metagross, and does upwardly of 60-70% to the partner, all while sun shelters it from Hydro Pump OHKOs. Many of these Pokémon, however, might have common weaknesses, considering if they get STAB on great offensive types such as Ice, chances are they aren't going to accept many hits without a resist Berry or Focus Sash. This can be circumvented by good type synergy, such as in the case of Rhyperior and Rotom-W, but you lot certainly shouldn't let whatsoever major weaknesses deter you from using these Pokémon. Jellicent and Chandelure can double equally this sort of Trick Room attacker, though they might non exist hit as hard without any boosting items.

Speedy Safe Nets

You're probably wondering why you would even consider speedy Pokémon on a Trick Room team. Well, this is an optional subgroup that might not tickle your fancy, but that you should consider adding to your team regardless. The idea behind speedy safety nets is that you lot're non ever going to accept Trick Room upwardly, so if you take a Pokémon that can score some quick KOs on your opponent's ho-hum-ish Pokémon, that'due south just as good every bit having Pull a fast one on Room up. Of grade, they can be somewhat slow, which is why I listed Hydreigon and Landorus-T equally examples; they both fit nether the base 100 Speed mark and are fast enough to outspeed Jolly Breloom, which is an important criterion simply and then y'all can hitting it before it uses Spore. Having a single fast Pokémon can increase your squad's consistency, as it can plow through some Pokémon early game to net some quick and easy wins without letting your opponent grab any crippling critical hits or freezes. The residual can exist difficult to strike sometimes, and so you should experiment with several Pokémon if you practice consider using a safety net. If you forgo a negative Speed nature, Chandelure, Gallade, Mesprit, and Victini can double as this sort of Pokémon. I'll even requite you a specific benchmark for Gallade; an Adamant nature with 8 Speed IVs underspeeds neutral base of operations 70s and outspeeds Tyranitar exterior of Trick Room, which can be important to grab an easy OHKO.

Semi-Play a trick on Room

On the note of slightly fast Trick Room abusers, I'll talk about the more advanced and more unpredictable way to use Trick Room: semi-Trick Room. Semi-Flim-flam Room is basically a team that includes just one or 2 sluggish Pokémon while the rest run speedy sets. An example of such a squad is the common VGC core of Cresselia and Conkeldurr surrounded by Pokémon such every bit Choice Scarf Landorus-T, bulky Thundurus, and Volcarona. These teams aim to exist flexible with Trick Room and so they tin can shift into their Trick Room modes if they are pressured by opposing speed control or faster Pokémon, and can get away with going without dedicated support because they don't completely depend on it. Based on its track record, this is probably the best variation of Trick Room to use if yous're participating in tournaments, only every bit I mentioned in the previous paragraph, the rest tin be difficult to strike, and you should tinker with total Fob Room teams to get a feel for how you lot should play when shifting into Trick Room mode. If yous don't, semi-Play tricks Room can be very underwhelming.

As I said earlier, Cresselia + Conkeldurr or Heatran Play tricks Room cores have been becoming popular on the VGC scene, so it would be all-time to learn from it. Every bit y'all might recall from the previous sections, both of these Pokémon take powerful STAB attacks and good typing, and if you've ever used or played confronting a Trick Room team, you should be familiar with what they practice. Of form, alone they would rapidly autumn prey to Taunt and Fake Out, leaving poor Heatran and Conkeldurr out on their own, but the success of this cadre comes from the speedy or moderately speedy Pokémon surrounding the cadre. Your opponent might see Conkeldurr or some other dull Pokémon and remember to themselves "well, that Cresselia could set up Fox Room for that Conkeldurr, but in that location's a lot of other speedy Pokémon around it, so I'd improve non lead with my anti-Play tricks Room," or the thought might not fifty-fifty cantankerous their minds since Heatran is more than capable of running a speedier Substitute set to combo with Skill Swap. Unpredictability and versatility are key to semi-Fox Room teams, though over again, hitting that residual is difficult to do.

Earlier I keep, I'll reiterate some of my earlier points nearly the mentality when using Pull a fast one on Room and how they compare with semi-Play a trick on Room.

  1. You're not always going to be able to set up Fox Room.

    While this is true for just virtually any setup, Play a joke on Room is specially vulnerable to this, no matter how it'due south used. Even though semi-Play tricks Room isn't going to use it in every single boxing, it can all the same be easily stopped if fundamental Pokémon such every bit Thundurus and opposing Trick Room Cresselia are still alive and kicking. While losing your Trick Room mode isn't the finish of the world, it could mean that your Heatran or Conkledurr is dead weight because information technology can't outspeed Pokémon such as Landorus-T or Tornadus.

  2. You will not take the comfort of a fast way.

    Semi-Flim-flam Room is most probable going to have a fast style, simply when you try to shift into your Trick Room mode, you might still be vulnerable to luck. This often comes in the form of a critical hitting or full paralysis, so keep that in mind when you endeavor to pull a sweet Conkeldurr switch-in while Cresselia tries to set up Trick Room.

  3. Time is not on your side.

    This volition always be true of Trick Room. Even if your entire team doesn't depend on it, it's still important to make use of those four turns with powerful STAB moves and the like and to be careful of stalling tactics. To help circumvent this, some people will "plow off" Fob Room when they feel they could become away with switching in a faster, more delicate assaulter, or even bluff a Trick Room setup, but to reverse information technology next turn to successfully set up a Swords Trip the light fantastic or a similar motion. Fifty-fifty if you lot try to apply Trick Room with your moderately speedy Pokémon, you need to be enlightened that the tables could plough very quickly if you allow your opponent to stall out your Play a joke on Room or even take advantage of it themselves.

Playing Confronting Trick Room (AKA: Why you lot demand Support)

If a team isn't prepared for Trick Room, the game is over the moment the dimensions are twisted. Therefore, whatsoever serious squad must ready for Trick Room in some shape or form if they don't want to get spanked past anyone with a strong attacker with Trick Room support. In this section, I'll hash out means you can fix for Fox Room, and if you're using Trick Room, be aware of these methods and prepare for them as well.

Method one: Prevention

If yous want to stay healthy, you lot don't become sick, correct? Prevention is the best medicine, and it can also exist a viable anti-Trick Room strategy. A common anti-Trick Room duo is Fake Out + Taunt, which will usually shut downward the Flim-flam Room'south Follow Me and successfully Taunt the Fox Room user, preventing the motion from existence used in the first place. Follow Me + Taunt works as well, though information technology works better against Play a joke on Room that leads with a Fake Out Pokémon. In short, Imitation Out beats Trick Room's Follow Me, and Follow Me beats Flim-flam Room's Fake Out. Additionally, Spore can work just as well every bit Taunt as it prevents the Trick Room setter from attacking likewise. However, you're simply guaranteed one plough of sleep, which is often burned the turn you lot used it since the Trick Room user will movement last, which ways that information technology could wake up the next turn and set up Trick Room if you don't start attacking information technology.

Method two: Stall

A wise man in one case said, "Stall is dead." Of course, that man wasn't talking most Doubles, where stalling can play a key role in just well-nigh any squad thanks to the omnipresence of Protect. As I've mentioned several times, Trick Room is only active for iv turns. This tin can be a long fourth dimension if you allow information technology to be, only through the use of Protect, y'all tin only take to deal with Pull a fast one on Room for two turns. Defensive switching is also important, especially if your defensive switch-in has Intimidate, which will make information technology that much harder for Trick Room to operate efficiently. In a similar vein to Intimidate, moves such as Lite Screen and Will-O-Wisp cripple the opponent's Flim-flam Room attackers to the point where they tin but promise for a knockout during their four turns. Playing defensively is an piece of cake strategy to fall back on as it tin can help you against other teams as well, but be careful about Pokémon that can prepare Substitutes or boosts, as they can take advantage of your passive moves once they catch on to what you lot're doing.

Method 3: Trick Room

Fighting fire with fire is always kind of a weird strategy. Information technology's the aforementioned with Trick Room; information technology just so happens that using Fob Room while Play a joke on Room is in effect will cancel its effects. Cresselia volition ofttimes do but that if a team seems especially Play a trick on Room weak, so it will often exist the most common Pokémon that will reverse your Trick Room, specially because information technology's too just generally useful. Other teams might opt for unlike Pokémon such as Jirachi to revert the dimensions, simply Cresselia will be the main Pokémon to worry about if you're playing Trick Room.

Semi-Trick Room and full Trick Room often match up evenly, depending on how Trick Room is handled by both teams. The full Trick Room mirror matchup is a slugfest, but this is where Speed creeping gets interesting. Some people may use neutral Speed natures to become the jump on Trick Room teams with negative Speed natures, or fifty-fifty lower their levels to underspeed other Trick Room Pokémon, as seen with VGC's level 49 Amoonguss. Lowering your level is interesting because no other playstyle would even consider it, besides the obvious F.E.A.R. strategies. It might be worth toying with Speed IVs and natures if yous think you may have problem with other Flim-flam Room teams, though the Speed pitter-patter can piece of work both ways when Play a trick on Room is involved.

Method 4: Ignore it

Plainly you lot tin't ignore the fact that your Pokémon are being outsped, simply some Pokémon don't care if they're slower or faster in the offset identify. Examples of this are Metagross, Tyranitar, and Rotom-West, all of which are bulky enough to take some punishment and strong plenty to dish it out too, which make for a Pokémon that doesn't care nigh Trick Room. Information technology'southward a combination of stall and offense that is easy to replicate with a lot of the Doubles metagame, and piece of cake to pull off in the face of inefficient Trick Room teams. Against more aggressive Fob Room, you might have to exist more conscientious virtually getting OHKOed of form, but bulky attackers can go a long way in your fight against Trick Room, specially if they don't happen to have an immediate answer to it or their check was knocked out earlier in the game. Using your own tedious Pokémon isn't out of the question either; running negative Speed natures on each of those Pokémon isn't a heartbreaking determination, and priority users such as Scizor and Breloom don't care well-nigh turn order unless there's a priority user that's slower than they are. Inefficient Trick Room is easy to take advantage of, so when building your Fob Room teams, make certain that each of your team members are capable of doing something at all times, and avert having 2 defensive, low Attack Pokémon on the field at in one case.

Sample Teams

The post-obit lineups of Pokémon are going to be incredibly bare-basic considering I don't call up you lot'd learn annihilation if I just gave you lot a squad to run effectually with, so I'k merely providing a unproblematic lineup of species. What movesets, EVs and IVs you give them is entirely up to you, but experience gratis to tinker with the Pokémon as yous meet fit. The Pokémon might fifty-fifty feel out of place when yous actually use them, which is a good matter and y'all should take note of how they disappoint you, if they do, and supercede them accordingly. In doing this, yous volition become a better teambuilder, and therefore a meliorate role player.

Full Trick Room

Semi Trick Room


With these tips in mind, I hope I've helped some aspiring Trick Room trainers build stronger teams. Even though Trick Room isn't the most consistent laddering tool, it's even so a wonderful archetype that teaches the importance of efficiency and setup in Doubles, which makes it both a neat first team to build and a viable tournament-winning team. Recollect to have fun with your builds and don't be agape to apply new things after you've mastered the basics, and please, for both our sakes, don't be that guy on the ladder with three Trick Room users and three non-supportive "sweepers".


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