Cool Gladiator Thor Ink Drawings

I'm getting Spartacus/Gladiator vibes from your sketch like they're brothers that have been sold to some roman govenor and he sees thor's built/fighting skills and makes him his prized gladiator and he talks to loki an encounter how witty he is and inspects him and see that his hymen is even so intact and so he makes him his wine boy and decides he will sell loki to the highest bidder unless thor can buy his brother past winning plenty fights and getting in the governor adept graces and what was the question?


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From tonight's livestream -- colour version of Ragnarok!Thor for @loxxxlay!

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Another traditional piece!~ This time with Thor (pre-Endgame!).

Added some process pictures every bit well in case somebody is interested. Used  tools: pencil, black coloured pencil, regular black watercolor and a white gel pen.

I'll endeavor to draw something digitally once more soon.

Thank you for taking a look! :)

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Guys, he came! I am so In love!! Hot toys has actually outdone themselves, every bit usual.

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Due south.H. Figuarts | Thor: Ragnarok (2018)

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What If...?  Thor Institute Phantom Instead

Okay, so I had this idea... What if instead when Thor went to Sakaar in the movie Thor Ragnarok there was a unlike champion to fight in the arena.   What if instead of Thor going in and fighting Blob, a fellow member of the Avengers and his 'friend from work' he establish 'Phantom rex of the dead!'

Danny could have taken a incorrect turn in the Ghost Zone and ended up falling through one of the portals, finding himself on the planet of Sakaar.   He runs into some compensation hunters who are looking for new gladiators for the games and he gets electrocuted by them and taken hostage.

Danny would obviously be much stronger and a little bit more than calculated than almost of the other gladiators.  And with the promise that if he would beat everyone and become the champion he could go domicile once more, he would.  Danny would also have no other choices as he would have one of the zappers in his neck.

And as Danny is susceptible to electricity, due to his death, and core,  if Thor uses his lightning on him in the battle he could probably almost win.  The plot would probably go like to what happened in the picture fight scene.  The grand principal would shock Thor and stop him course killing Phantom (the champion).

Thor would end up waking upwardly in Phantoms area/room, and they would talk. Danny could talk about globe, his friends, his life, and how much he missed information technology and Thor could talk about information technology as well.  And so they tin can start to brand a program of escape using Thor's brother Loki, and the bounty hunter who had captured Thor in the offset place, Valkyrie.

What practice you retrieve?  Should I write information technology into a proper story?

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THOR  (2011)      |    GLADIATOR  (2000)

You lot wrote to me one time, listing the four chief virtues -- wisdom, justice, fortitude, and temperance. As I read the listing I knew I had none of them. Simply I have other virtues, Father -- ambition, that tin exist a virtue when it drives usa to excel; resourcefulness; backbone, perhaps not on the boxing field but there are many forms of courage; devotion, to my family unit, to y'all. But none of my virtues were on your list. Even then it was every bit if you lot didn't desire me for your son.

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MiniMates - Thor Ragnarok


MiniMates - Thor Ragnarok by Darth Ray Via Flickr: MiniMates - Curiosity Thor Ragnarok (Third Thor Moving-picture show) Roadworn Thor, Gladiator Hulk, Loki, Bruce Imprint, Heimdall, Skurge, Gladiator Thor, Civilian Loki, Valkyrie, Grandmaster, Hela, and Sakaar Loki

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i like to HC that the Grandmaster was like "here Loki :) I'thou gifting yous an outfit :) it's in my signature colours gilt blue and red :) You should wear it :)"

and Loki went :/ and said "I hate red" and put his own boots on instead and then went "bad shade" to the gold greatcoat just to spite the man and changed it to that yellowish because "it just works ameliorate" and he got away with a 90% dark blue outfit that ended up barely matching the GM who was trying to woo him through clothes and didn't kill him because he hasn't gotten what he wants yet all because he was interim nice and grin through it with a customer service confront

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Summary: Bucky finds an former marry in his time of need

Warnings: Violence, fluff, angst

Reader: Female Mutant Reader

Pairings: Bucky x Reader

Word Count: 2,293



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Yous hum your favorite song while dancing in the kitchen making yourself some lunch. Your dog lays past the floor while your cat sits on the counter hoping for some food. You lot're only nearly to requite into your cats pleading eyes when your dog suddenly jumps up. You turn towards him and find his tense figure.

"What'southward upwardly, male child?" You lot question, walking over to the screen door leaving your sandwich vulnerable to your true cat. You don't see anything but after existence around for every bit long as you lot have you tin sense what'southward making your dog on border.

Reaching to the side, you lot paw wraps around the hilt of your curt, double edged sword. Keeping your eyes trained on the tree line, you slide your arm into the leather straps of your scutum shield.

"Stay," You order your black Molosser. He huffs plainly annoyed merely listens to your order.

Yous slowly approach the tree line. Your trained eyes see zip out of the ordinary just your gut tells you lot otherwise. You accept a few steps into the wood when a bullet is fired from a gun and finds a home in the back of your shoulder. You lot groan stumbling a step or two forward.

Your anger begins to raise as you plough towards the shooter. In less than a minute the bullet pops out of your torso and your pare reconnects. The shooter lowers his weapon a smidge taken back by the fact that your not showing more signs of pain.

A sly smirk comes to your lips as you launch your Gladius sword through the air. He drops to the footing, your sword sticking up from his brow. Y'all sense someone backside you and quickly turn. Your body hides behind the shield every bit more gunshots are fired. You dorsum upward to your sword and rip it from the corpse.

Running towards your opponent, using your shield to comprehend you, yous switch from defense force to offence. You movement the shield to the side and slide his neck open. Some other human being comes up backside you. Y'all swing your shield around and knock him off his feet. You sword comes downwards on his neck.

You apace hide behind the shield once again as another man shoots at you. The bullets bounce off of your shield. When you're close enough your sword decapitate's his head.

Once his body falls to the ground, the wood get silent once over again. You scan the expanse effectually you, especially the trees. No one seems to be around but you whistle for your canis familiaris who is almost instantly past your side.

"Search," You command. He bounces from one body to another and searches for anybody else. While he searches y'all audit the closest dead body. All of them are wearing tactical armor with a familiar sigil.

Your snapped out of your thoughts past the deep barking of your dog. You lot're quick to jog over to his side. What you see surprises you.

"Bucky?" You lot whisper. You kneel in front end of his unconscious grade. He looks different from the 1940′s but you know information technology's him. You quickly appraise his injuries and know he needs medical attention. "Carry," Yous had the sword to your dog, who takes information technology advisedly in his oral fissure.

Slinging Bucky's arm over your shoulder, you booty him up. His feet drag along the ground as yous take him into your home. Once he's inside you're sure to lock down the house, not wanting whatsoever intruders to attempt something stupid.

Yous take off his vest and shirt. You instantly notice the metallic arm and the wounds on his sides. You lot address everything he needs fixed before cleaning upwards.

"What has life done to you?" You whisper to yourself. You lot keep lookout as he sleeps. You don't sense anybody else coming but you know that Hydra doesn't only give up.

Bucky doesn't wake upward until late at night. It's near midnight when he groans waking upwardly. Yous take hold of him some water and lift his head up. He tiredly sips earlier pulling abroad.

It takes a few minutes for his eyes to arrange to the dim lighting. Eventually, his eyes settle on y'all.

"Where am I?" He whispers.

"Middle of nowhere, West Virginia," You tell him.

"What happened?"

"Well, you were haemorrhage out virtually half a mile from here. Surrounded past Hydra soldiers," He instantly tenses. "They're taken care of," You assure him.

"More will come,"

"Then we'll take care of them," You lot say, shrugging. "Nosotros'll continue cutting off all their heads till no more wanna abound dorsum,"

Bucky's tranquility for a couple moments.

"Do you know who I am?" Yous ask, curious if he remembers yous.

"Y/n Y/l/n," He states.

"Y'all know my name... only do you know me?" You question. "We knew each other dorsum in the day, Earth War Two," You explain. "I aided y'all and your Howling Commando's more than once. More than recently I've been aiding your pal, Steve,"

"Is he here?"

"No, not entirely sure where he is at the moment," You lot reply, curious as to why he seemed to relax at that thought. "Well, you have a couple broken ribs, some nasty bruises on your arm and some deep cuts. I propose you hang out hither until yous can get up and moving again,"

"I'll just put you lot in danger the longer I stay," Bucky shakes his head, attempting to sit down upwards. You press a business firm mitt on his shoulder.

"At this point, danger's my middle proper noun," You smirk. Bucky frowns his eyebrows. "You actually don't retrieve much, do you?" Bucky looks away from you. "I've been effectually for a long time, trouble is going to discover me whether you're here or not," Y'all explicate. "Get some rest. When you're hungry, I'1000 in the kitchen,"

You didn't run across Bucky until well into the afternoon the adjacent day. He doesn't say much but you feed him and give him space.

"You said you knew me in the war... Shouldn't you be a little older?" Bucky asks after staying with you for about a calendar week.

"I was wondering when you'd ask," You smirk, sitting across from him in the kitchen. "Do you know what a mutant is?" Bucky nods. "Well, that's what I am. Immortality, a little bit of actress strength, and a kick ass healing system,"

"How long have you lot been around?" Bucky asks.

"Ancient Rome," Y'all tell him. "I was born about 50 years before Christ. I was one of the few Gladiator women. I was a high born that was sick of the politics and the parties and beingness told how I should live my life the proper mode,"

"So, you become a Gladiator?" Bucky arches an eyebrow. You lot smirk.

"What better way to say 'screw you lot' to your parents than becoming a Gladiator?" Bucky smiles simply a scrap. "Got good quick, got famous even quicker. Next affair I know I'm not crumbling. I'grand been in merely about every war you can recollect of and in movement problem than you can fathom,"

"What practice yous do now?"

"Fight," Yous shrug. "Don't have much else. Fighting, state of war, it'due south all I am," Yous tell him softly. "Information technology's the just matter I'm good at, the but affair I'm useful for," A slightly tense silence falls betwixt the ii of y'all. "What virtually you? It's been a while since I last saw you,"

Bucky doesn't open up correct away but he gives yous a curt summary. Throughout his stay, he opens upwardly more than about you every bit he begins to trust you more than. The longer he stays with you lot, the longer you're able to jog his memory about the past. Information technology'south obvious he's experienced horrors since you lot last saw him.

If in that location'south one thing y'all know, it'due south how the horrors of the by can haunt you lot. Even after all these years you're not an expect in managing them simply you attempt. Beingness a light sleeper ways yous wake up every time Bucky does. You lot're in his room the instant you hear the screams.

You either assist coax him back to sleep or you assistance him stay awake. You never pressure him to tell you, you lot go at his footstep. More oft than not, he refuses to become dorsum to sleep. So, yous assistance him take his frustrations and fear out during sparing matches.

While y'all take a footling flake more strength than a human, thanks to your mutation, Bucky is stronger through the serum. However, after fighting wars for the final 2,000 years, y'all're more experienced and take a few more than tricks up his sleeve to make the matches interesting.

After existence with you for half-dozen months, spending the night in Bucky's room becomes the new normal. Neither of y'all particularly like existence solitary, Bucky particularly. Since you've practically moved into the aforementioned room, the both of you slumber better.

Nonetheless, nothing good last forever, and eventually Hydra finds Bucky. The two of your work together to eliminate the threat but at the cost of your habitation. Knowing you need to go moving, you pack upward whatever you lot can and move on. (Your domestic dog and cat in tow)

By some miracle you convince Bucky to go to Steve. It only took you three calendar month'south on the run to convince him. He was plainly nervous but y'all refused to go out his side.

Steve was shocked to run across not only Bucky but you as well. You explain everything to Steve as Bruce looks over Bucky. Moving in with the Avenger's wasn't easy but you both slowly eased into the transition.

You stay by Bucky's side the entire fourth dimension. It takes him almost 6 months to slowly become unglued to your side. In one case you detect him condign more comfy effectually the other's you brainstorm to wonder how much longer yous'll stick around.

Fighting on a squad isn't exactly your forte. You could work with a team only you knew you were better on your own. Nevertheless, you lot merely couldn't bring yourself to leave Bucky, not until yous were positive he didn't demand y'all anymore.

Near a year after you and Bucky come to the Avenger's, y'all determine information technology's finally time for y'all to move on. Bucky's gear up a routine with the group and you can't assistance but to feel extremely out of place.

"Going somewhere?" You glance up and see Natasha standing in the doorway with your true cat in her arms. You smirk at the sight earlier looking dorsum at your packing.

"Somewhere," You shrug a bit. "Not sure where,"

"Why leave?" Natasha asks.

"Just have as well," You tell her. "I'grand not a spy, I'm not an agent, I'm a warrior with no war," Yous say. "So, I'one thousand gonna movement on until I notice somewhere that tin can use my expertise,"

"You lot know, the Avenger's do more than merely spy," Natasha says.

"This place... It isn't more me, Nat," You tell her. "I'm going crazy hither, I gotta keep moving,"

"Have you told, Barnes?" She asks. Yous face falls a bit. "He'due south not gonna want you lot to leave,"

"He's going to exist fine," Y'all tell her. "He'south institute his place hither, he's constitute a family here, he's home,"

"Are nosotros non your family unit?" Natasha questions, sitting on the bed.

"I haven't had a family unit since I was a lilliputian daughter and even then I was out of place," You tell her. "I'yard starting to think in that location isn't a place on this globe for me,"

"So become off globe," Natasha says. You curvation an eyebrow. "Talk to Thor. He fights off world more than he does hither. He loves listening to your stories and sparing with you. I'm sure he wouldn't heed having you tag along with him," Y'all contemplate it. "And on your off fourth dimension you tin come here and run across your boyfriend," Natasha smirks.

"He'due south non my boyfriend," You defend.

"I didn't say a name," Natasha winks. "You should talk to Buck and then talk to Thor. We don't want to lose y'all, you are family unit," You offer a small smile and watch her leave the room, stealing your cat in the procedure.

"What do you call back?" You lot sigh, glancing at your dog. He simply looks at y'all and huffs. "That'due south what I'm saying,"

You take Natasha'due south advice and talk to Thor. Y'all barely finished your question before he was agreeing. He had expressed his want to bring you along knowing you were a fierce warrior.

"So, you're gonna skip out of hither?" Sighing, you slowly plough to Bucky.

"I'm non needed here anymore," You tell him. "At least with Thor I'll be of use," Bucky smiles a chip.

"Y'all notwithstanding think you're simply good for fighting?" Bucky asks. Yous shrug a scrap. "When are you going to learn your worth more?"

"When are you?" Y'all shoot back. Bucky smiles, stepping closer.

"You are needed, I demand yous here," Bucky tells you.

"Y'all're doing just fine, Buck," You tell him. "You're getting ameliorate, you're with Steve, y'all're home,"

"I'm home because you're here," He tells you. "I've only been able to go to this part considering of yous,"

"And non y'all're going to have to continue without me,"

"I don't want too," Bucky shakes his caput.

"Yous're going to have too," You snip, walking around him. When y'all pass him, he grabs your arm and turns you to him. Before you can blink, his lips are pressed against yours.

"I don't desire too," He whispers, to you. "I need you here, with me. We tin make this work, just give it a chance," He mutters, gently caressing the side of your confront.

"I'k not good at this, Buck," You tell him. "I'thousand merely practiced at-"

"I know," He nods. "But an one-time domestic dog tin can learn some new tricks," He shrugs. "Stay with me... Please,"

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In the Sakaar gladiator arena, Bakugou faces Beta Ray Nib as his opponent. Role of my "Planet Bakugou" idea.

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Hot Toys | Thor: Ragnarok (2017) | Gladiator Thor i/sixth Scale Collectible Figure

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Thor Ragnarok

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just gotta say.......idk i may be biased in saying this buT loki's costumes in r.agnarok? were my favorite version of loki's costumes in the mcu.

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Fanfic Rec: A Pawn With Middle series

Rating: Not Rated

Category: Gen

Summary: Plot-divergence during Thor: Ragnarök which leaves Loki in a different position when he falls to Sakaar. Instead of becoming the Grandmaster'due south toy to gain power, he enters the ring every bit a gladiator in a bid to win his freedom.

Patently, this is Loki, and so things spin out of control from at that place...

Featuring! Frigga existence spoopy, brothers trying to reconcile and threats to the universe!

Alarm! Reading summaries of fics before reading the one earlier it volition result in spoilers. Sometimes HUGE ones.

Read on Ao3

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Wolverine & the X-Men Annual #ane (2014)

written by Jason Aaron art past Nick Bradshaw, Walden Wong, Karl Kesel, Victor Olazaba, Nick Bradshaw, & Andres Mossa

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Avengers v8 #xxx (2019) pencil by Ed McGuinness & Francesco Manna ink by Mark Morales & Francesco Manna color by Jason Keith

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